Thursday, August 03, 2006

So Much To Do...

So Little Time...

Finished painting the "baby room" and then ripped up the carpet/padding. Now the two little ones are sleeping in their toddler beds in our room. Scott started laying down the laminate flooring in one of the two remaining bedrooms. We're going to move all three boys in when it's done, move Kelly in the freshly painted room, then I get to start all over in the baby's room. Maybe I can talk Scott into painting it for me. I'm worn out.

I don't know how we are going to get everything done in the next 5 weeks. Seems near impossible. But there's no turning back now...


Anonymous said...

Oh laminate flooring. It looked like it would be so easy and we spent a whole week on three little rooms. BLEH!!!! It was so hard to get going on it. And I hated that I am heavy enough to be the weight all by myself. Boo.


Real Life in South Carolina said...

Yeah, laminate flooring isn't fun, but it IS easier to install than tile. Tile is miserable!