Monday, November 27, 2006

She's Too Smart!

Madison is something else. Yesterday she spent much of the day insisting on sitting straight up. Not sitting with mommy or daddy, resting her back against us. Nooooooooo, it had to be straight up. Fortunately she likes to sleep through the mornings so I was able to get some stuff done, but when she woke up I was working with her on trying to get her to play so I could finish my cleaning, or working out, or whatever else I had to get done.

She actually fell asleep sitting up against me last night. It was so funny because I didn't even realize she was asleep. I placed her against me sitting up so tall and since she was content with that (that time at least) I relaxed and started to watch t.v. Next thing I knew her body went limp. She was fast asleep.

I'm thinking she may be needing her saucer pretty soon, maybe even before Christmas...for our own sanity! I can't believe she's not even three months old yet and she's already laughing, squealing, gabbing, and responding to us. She's especially talkative at bed time. I told Scott that I think that our bedroom is her comfort zone. She just lays in bed and opens up with all her talk and play. She's so much fun, so full of personality. She brings so much joy into our lives.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Getting Laughter

I got Madison to laugh for me last night. I was holding her and turned my head away and said, "Boo!" as I looked back at her. She thought it was funny. It wasn't a rumbling laughter, but for the first time, I got her to laugh every time I did it. I was getting her to respond to something funny! It's times like these I love being a Mom.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We Missed A First!

Madison can roll over from her chest to her back now. The girl is so strong!

Sunday night (November 19th), I placed her on her belly for some "tummy time." Scott and I were standing there watching her, and as soon as we both turned our backs on her, she flipped herself over! NOOOOOOOO! She was just waiting for us to turn away! I turned around and found her on her back. "Scott, she just rolled over." I said. He turned around and saw her proud little self smiling away at her accomplishment.

So we missed her first, but last night we were both there when she had more tummy time and pushed herself up and over onto her back. I'm so proud of my little girl!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Madison's Shots

Poor Little Madison

Madison went in for her 2-month appointment. She is now 23 inches long and weighs 10 lbs. 7 oz. She's doing great. She's in the 75th - 80th percentile for height and 50th for weight.

It was so hard to watch them give her the shots. She's just so sweet, I hate to see her in pain.

She was somewhat fussy and clingy for the rest of the day...I had to give her Tylenol every 4 1/2 hours or so or she would just cry and cry, and she was not in the best of moods the next day. She still has knots in her little legs.

I took some pictures of her Tuesday night and did manage to get a few smiles out of her.

And I didn't mind holding her one bit. It's the least I could do to help ease the discomfort she was experiencing!