Friday, April 11, 2008

Hormones are fun!

28, almost 29 weeks pregnant and I think the hormones are raging. I've been especially emotional today. Emotional, irritable, and tired.

Did I mention I'm irritable? I've got so much on my "To Do" list and today I was just too pooped to deal. I've been running around like crazy this week, and still trying to catch up on the laundry I was all caught up on before the dryer broke and the kids got sick with a lovely puking stomach virus. Fun fun!

Anyway, the baby is really active lately. Lots of kicking and moving. Maybe because he/she is running out of room! (It would help to not lay in my belly sideways!)

I went in for an OB appt last Friday. Glucose test came out perfect, blood pressure looks good, iron was a bit low, which might explain the lack of energy. Or it could be the 5 kids. Who knows?

I mailed off a contract for a Doula today. I drove up to meet her on Wednesday and found out that I get a 2 for 1 deal, (kind of). She's actually a bit pricey, but I think she will be worth it! She works with my OB a lot and has a Doula mentoring under her, as well as another back up for emergencies. I really liked them both and as long as another one of their clients doesn't go into labor at the same time as me, I'll have two Doulas present at the birth. Talk about spoiled, right? ;)

Anyway, I'm relieved to have that done. I registered for a VBAC class in May so hopefully that will be worth the time and money! I guess all this means we are getting closer. I can't believe it!