Sunday, January 21, 2007


Madison got her second set of shots last Tuesday. I wonder if I didn't wait long enough for her to get over her cold first because she has been super fussy ever since. I think she has a tummy bug or something. She woke up at 1:30 Saturday night screaming. But only three shots this time...that was nice.
Daddy got jealous when I bought Madison an "I love Mommy" pacifer so I went out and got this one:

I love this picture. When she is "in the mood" she just LOVES her daddy and the attention she gets from him.

I need to close this post. She is fussing again. I can't wait for her to start feeling better again.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Separation Anxiety???

I don't know what got into Madison, but she is being so clingy and demanding. We took her with us on a date tonight and for a few minutes I thought it was going to be a dating disaster. We sat down to eat and she fussed and fussed. I was able to nurse her to sleep though and she slept through the rest of the meal and through part of a movie. (Thank God!) Then she fussed in the car on the way home so Scott took the babysitter home while I tried to get her to settle down and go to sleep. She's been insisting on me holding her for the last week or so - nobody else will do. I love holding her and I love that she wants her mommy, but I hope she gets over this phase real fast!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Poor Baby

Madison is sick. : ( She always wakes up in a great mood, however this morning she cried every time her little eyes opened. I nursed her back to sleep at about 8:50 a.m. and hopped in the shower for a very quick clean up!

To my surprise, she slept until after 10:00. At least when she woke up she babbled a bit instead of crying! (Until I pulled out the Saline nose spray and snot sucker! She hates that and fights me as soon as she sees me grab the Saline bottle!) I feel so bad when I have to do that to her, but after sucking out all that snot, I know it had to make her feel better.

She actually played in her saucer a bit and then wanted to nurse once again. I sang "Rain, Rain, Go Away" as I rocked her by the back door. She fell asleep listening to me sing about how badly I wanted the rain to stop pouring down on our house. But I know she feels bad. She keeps crying in her sleep. Hopefully the Tylenol I gave her will help ease any aches and pains. I hate that there's only so much that a mommy can do to make her baby feel better. If only I could take the cold from her - I'd gladly be sick for her!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

One Year Ago Today

I found out I was pregnant with Madison. I had some symptoms and although it was several days early before I was supposed to take a test, I just had to try. The + popped up right away.
I couldn't believe my eyes! I woke Scott up, who was sleeping on the couch because his back was killing him. He looked at the test results and said, "Cool" before he went back to sleep. It about drove me crazy waiting for my mom to wake up that morning. When she went straight for the bathroom I contemplated knocking the door down, but I kept my cool and when she came down the stairs, I showed her. Needless to say, she was thrilled and couldn't believe that I not only was able to get the + so early in my pregnancy, but that I also got pregnant so easy.
And here she is almost 4 months old cooing and squealing to her heart's content. There was a period in my first trimester where I thought I was going to lose her - a big lesson in faith for me. Although I received a prophecy that everything was going to be okay before anyone even knew I was pregnant, I can't tell you how many days I stayed on the couch with my feet propped up just crying because I was afraid I was losing her. I'd lost a baby before and I just felt that if I lost this one too, I wouldn't be able to try again. It was just too heartbreaking. But God looked after her and the rest of the pregnancy went perfectly. I can't believe it's been a year. I praise God for the blessing He gave me when I was so afraid to try for another baby. I look back and can say God is good.