Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You know you're nesting when...

You go into your room at night and see that your bed is made, but you don't remember making it! I must have been in a nesting-zombie like state! heh heh

I'm getting close, I can feel it. My body has ached nearly all day. I've felt some crampy pains in my lower abdomen, especially with contractions. It's really hard to stay in a good mood when you feel that slight irritation all day long!

Anyway, I'm 38 weeks, 1 day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fun Baby Name Website

Having trouble finding the perfect name for your baby? Let the Baby Name Genie help you! Try it out!


Thursday, June 05, 2008

36 1/2 Weeks

I had another appointment today. We are getting down to the end! I can't believe it. The doctor will be seeing me weekly from this time forward. And of course today he asked me if I've been having contractions or signs of labor and I just kind of waved it all off as Braxton Hicks. Nothing serious!

And tonight? Tonight I start having contractions that are a bit uncomfortable. They still aren't consistent enough to be considered signs of labor, but it's a bit of a reminder of things to come. (Yikes!) Let's just hope I will last until my mom gets here on the 21st!

As far as cravings, I've moved on from Mint Chocolate Chip icecream to ice chips and popsicles. Oh! and Sprite! Yum!

My husband just scarfed down another piece of cake while I drank my Sprite and am not chewing on ice. How crazy is that? I passed up cake for Sprite and ice!

My energy levels took a turn for the better right after Memorial Weekend. We did a lot that weekend since Tina and the family came up for a visit, so I pretty much rested Monday and Tuesday.

And by Wednesday, it was like this surge of energy hit me, and I've been cleaning and organizing since!

My mood has also been considerably better. I'm no longer feeling depressed, but my poor kids probably can't wait for me to have this baby! The slightest mess makes me crazy! Sometimes I know I'm being completely irrational and I still just can't help myself. I find messes that need to be cleaned up!

Anyway, that's where I am now. We are going to attempt to hit King's Island tomorrow with all the kids. Am I crazy or what? It's supposed to be 95 degrees and I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant and heading towards the theme park! Maybe we'll just head towards the water park. That sounds like a plan to me! :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hormones are fun!

28, almost 29 weeks pregnant and I think the hormones are raging. I've been especially emotional today. Emotional, irritable, and tired.

Did I mention I'm irritable? I've got so much on my "To Do" list and today I was just too pooped to deal. I've been running around like crazy this week, and still trying to catch up on the laundry I was all caught up on before the dryer broke and the kids got sick with a lovely puking stomach virus. Fun fun!

Anyway, the baby is really active lately. Lots of kicking and moving. Maybe because he/she is running out of room! (It would help to not lay in my belly sideways!)

I went in for an OB appt last Friday. Glucose test came out perfect, blood pressure looks good, iron was a bit low, which might explain the lack of energy. Or it could be the 5 kids. Who knows?

I mailed off a contract for a Doula today. I drove up to meet her on Wednesday and found out that I get a 2 for 1 deal, (kind of). She's actually a bit pricey, but I think she will be worth it! She works with my OB a lot and has a Doula mentoring under her, as well as another back up for emergencies. I really liked them both and as long as another one of their clients doesn't go into labor at the same time as me, I'll have two Doulas present at the birth. Talk about spoiled, right? ;)

Anyway, I'm relieved to have that done. I registered for a VBAC class in May so hopefully that will be worth the time and money! I guess all this means we are getting closer. I can't believe it!

Friday, February 22, 2008

My Belly Dances!

Today I noticed for the first time that my belly actually moves when the baby does! I think he/she had hiccups or something, and my belly shook with each spasm. Wow. I can't believe how big this baby is getting! I'm 21 weeks, 4 days.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I'm crying about the fact that my 14 year old son can't seem to (or won't) follow simple instructions even if it would make life easier for the rest of the family.

I'm crying because my 4 year old is just like her big brother.

I'm crying about the fact that when I told my hubby I'd reached my half-way point in this pregnancy, because deep inside I was feeling a little bitter that he didn't even know how far along I was, he gave me a freakin' high five.

I'm crying because I'm craving some food that's really bad for me but I couldn't even go out to get if I really really wanted to because it's snowing again for the millionth freakin' time.

I'm crying because I don't even know what state my baby is going to be born in or if I'm going to have a chance to take any refresher courses before the big day.

I'm crying because my skin is so dry my lips and hands are cracked and bleeding.

I'm crying because my husband is too preoccupied with his job situation to really even pay attention to me or this pregnancy. So much for a special last pregnancy experience.

I'm crying because I feel like I've already sacrificed a part of my "moment" and expectations when Madison was born, because my husband decided to start school the same week she was born. And he became too busy with school or work to really do anything special for the baby's birth...or my 29th birthday. And I so wanted something special to remember both of those days by.

I'm crying because my husband has been too distracted with work and life to notice that I'm really hurting right now, and needing him to dig deeper into who I am. 10 years of marriage and I feel like he's stopped trying to get to know me.

I'm crying because I'm letting every stupid little thing that shouldn't matter get to me.

I'm crying because I'm just dissappointed with how life is going right now.

I know it all could be worse, and really, I'm blessed beyond words, but I'm still crying.

I'm crying because I'm hormonal and pregnant!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Half Way There

Today was my half-way point in my pregnancy. Didn't do too much to celebrate as I was busy with kids. I did work out for 25 minutes and got to take a shower while Madison napped and Joshua played on the Wii with his friend. Thank goodness Dwight showed up at home this afternoon. He skipped track because he wasn't filling too well, so I left Kelly at home with him while I drove Joshua and his friend to their afternoon art class. It was SO cold.

I've been getting headaches the last couple of days and today was no different. I think they are tension headaches. Such a pain.

Getting further along in this pregnancy isn't helping with the emotions either. I'm still feeling like I'm pretty much in this alone. I get to talk to a friend occasionally on the phone (long-distance) but that just isn't really helping with all the emotions I'm going through with this pregnancy.

And now that I know we are probably moving, I'm kind of on hold as far as hiring a doula. To top that off, Scott is totally distracted with his job situation to really show any interest in this pregnancy. It just kind of sucks all around.

Becoming Passionate About Something New

Since Scott called me with the news of the big move, the one big question that has been haunting me is, how am I going to do this VBAC thing in Arkansas? I’ve been checking out websites online and according to the pages I’ve found, Arkansas is not a very VBAC friendly state. I spent most of the weekend with a headache. I broke down in tears once and Scott finally convinced me that I probably should put the computer away and make some phone calls.

Of course, right after he convinced me that there is no way there is not a single doctor who takes VBAC patients, we have a couple from Arkansas come over and what does the wife tell me? “I think it’s illegal to do VBAC’s in the state of Arkansas.” Needless to say, my headache returned and my stress level went up. It was actually kind of funny because I could tell this woman, who is a GREAT woman, didn’t really seem to approve of VBAC’s. I guess she had a friend who suffered from a uterine rupture and that did it for her, VBAC’s are dangerous! But really, she didn’t come out and say that and she was kind enough to keep her opinions to herself.

Scott and I talked about it later that night. HOW can it be illegal? To tell a woman she is not allowed to choose her health care is to strip her of her rights and choices. But even knowing that it’s impossible for a state to make VBAC’s illegal, my head was still pounding. Maybe it was the stress, maybe I was dehydrated, maybe it’s the remains of that cold I had last week, but it just wouldn’t go away.

Last night I decided to get back online just to find OB’s so I can start making phone calls. Only this time I lucked out. I first tried our health insurance company, but their site was down, so I just googled doctors and what do you know, I hit a message board site from women living in Arkansas discussing VBAC births. A couple of them specifically named doctors who are willing to work with the patient. Yes! Of course I haven’t called them yet, but I have names, and I’m so relieved.

But to be honest, it frustrates me. To see how many women get on the message boards all over the country and say, “Well, I told my doctor I wanted to try for a VBAC and he/she said my C-Section is scheduled for so-and-so date and that is it. I guess I have to go.” really gets my blood boiling. Yes, I know there are some cases where it is necessary and unsafe to do a VBAC, but these doctors are seriously over-stepping their boundaries.

After finding the doctors, I came across another website that tells you what to do if a hospital “bans” VBAC deliveries. If you are seriously wanting to attempt a VBAC birth but have had the door closed in your face, check out this site: http://www.ican-online.org/vbac/your-right-refuse-what-do-if-your-hospital-has-banned-vbac-q

I personally feel it is completely irresponsible for a hospital to “ban” these deliveries, especially in states where it is illegal for a midwife to attend VBAC births. They are telling the woman, “get cut open, or get out” and that basically puts the woman at another risk of not getting the emergency help she needs should she decide to try for a home birth and something go wrong. I understand the fear of lawsuits, but this isn’t hard. Have the mom sign a waiver and then have a special VBAC team on board to help the mom through this and to tackle any problems that may come up during the delivery.

Going through all of this and researching everything I can about childbirth, I’m really starting to become passionate about childbirth and helping women through this. I know I need to work on me first. I hope that I can have a successful story to inspire other women, not to only have successful VBAC’s, but to make the right choices for their babies and their bodies, and to show them that their bodies were created by God to do this without the intervention of a sharp knife. So many women are told these days that their babies are too big or there’s no way they can push that baby out. What happened when women didn’t have a choice but to do so? They somehow managed to find a way to get that baby out!

Anyway, first priorities, continue my research on Natural childbirth, hire a doula, have this baby, and then as things settle a bit, I think I might just look into supporting the doulas and midwives in the area and possibly even heading in the direction of becoming a doula myself. I never thought I’d say that. Heck…I didn’t even know what a doula was a few months ago!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

18 Weeks

Where has the time gone? I know I should post more regularly, but I just haven't been good about it. I guess with 5 kids, finding time to keep up with everything is an impossible task. But I did manage to finally get some pics of my growing belly. So I figured I'd be brave and post them here: