Thursday, July 06, 2006

30 Weeks...

I have 9 weeks left and I feel gi-normouos! But would you believe some days I feel skinnier than others? I think she was especially sticking out this day - Wednesday...

I have to go now, she's pushing at the top of my belly,which is pressing her head against my bladder and if I don't empty my bladder soon, she is going to do it for me!

Oh yes, and the stretch marks are from my previous pregnancy...when I was about 30 lbs heavier!

1 comment:

Marjorie said...

Ahhhh...I love the pictures. You are just so adorable pregnant. I don't think you look that big, though. You're definitely much smaller than you were with Pacey when you were this far along. You are just soooo cute!!

I love you and miss you lots!!!!