Friday, June 23, 2006

This is why...

I did a little bit more research online after posting my thoughts on VBAC delivery and prayed that it would be clear what I should do.

The first site I came across was THIS. This couple shared their personal experience of a VBAC delivery gone tragic, and shared advice on how to handle the situation differently should a woman decide to pursue a VBAC delivery. After skimming through it, I was quickly reminded of the reasons why I opted NOT to take that chance. I couldn't even read all the details, their personal experience was just heart-breaking. This is why I'm not doing VBAC.

The 2nd site I found confirmed why I decided to do a repeat C-Section in the first place. The odds are low, but are they worth the risk? Is my life, or my baby's life worth the gamble?

I'd love to experience the kind of childbirth that women were intended to have. In fact, I'm still very sad about never getting to do this naturally, but the experience is not worth the risk of losing my baby.


MamaTeeThree said...

Hi, I just came across your blog today and had to share my thoughts on C-section vs. VBAC. My first baby was an almost-emergency C-section (after 28 hours of labor, 4 epidural refills, and my temperature kept rising) and the next two were fairly uneventful VBACs (22 hours and 18 hours of labor, respectively). Both times were pretty hard on me, being so small, but my doctor did warn me of the risks before hand. I recovered more quickly after the VBACs and felt better with more energy, even though I was pretty sore all over from all the pushing. I also have a friend who had her first baby via C-section and the next six were VBAC deliveries. Not sure I have that kind of fortitude. Three kids is almost more than I can handle! LOL! There are pros and cons both ways. It is a personal decision and whatever you decide will be right for you. Either way, you're bringing another little person into this world, which is, in my opinion, one of the greatest tasks as a Mom. You are to be applauded for caring enough about your child to be concerned about the method of delivery. I know women who schedule inductions or C-sections because they want the baby born on or before a certain date, or they just get tired of waiting and want the baby out, even though they're not ready yet. That, I believe, is really selfish, and I can tell you are concerned with what is best for the baby, so God bless you and your family. I hope everything turns out perfectly for you and that you and your new sweet baby are well! :)

Jenny said...

You're absolutely right. Go girl.