Friday, January 05, 2007

Poor Baby

Madison is sick. : ( She always wakes up in a great mood, however this morning she cried every time her little eyes opened. I nursed her back to sleep at about 8:50 a.m. and hopped in the shower for a very quick clean up!

To my surprise, she slept until after 10:00. At least when she woke up she babbled a bit instead of crying! (Until I pulled out the Saline nose spray and snot sucker! She hates that and fights me as soon as she sees me grab the Saline bottle!) I feel so bad when I have to do that to her, but after sucking out all that snot, I know it had to make her feel better.

She actually played in her saucer a bit and then wanted to nurse once again. I sang "Rain, Rain, Go Away" as I rocked her by the back door. She fell asleep listening to me sing about how badly I wanted the rain to stop pouring down on our house. But I know she feels bad. She keeps crying in her sleep. Hopefully the Tylenol I gave her will help ease any aches and pains. I hate that there's only so much that a mommy can do to make her baby feel better. If only I could take the cold from her - I'd gladly be sick for her!

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