Saturday, November 18, 2006

Madison's Shots

Poor Little Madison

Madison went in for her 2-month appointment. She is now 23 inches long and weighs 10 lbs. 7 oz. She's doing great. She's in the 75th - 80th percentile for height and 50th for weight.

It was so hard to watch them give her the shots. She's just so sweet, I hate to see her in pain.

She was somewhat fussy and clingy for the rest of the day...I had to give her Tylenol every 4 1/2 hours or so or she would just cry and cry, and she was not in the best of moods the next day. She still has knots in her little legs.

I took some pictures of her Tuesday night and did manage to get a few smiles out of her.

And I didn't mind holding her one bit. It's the least I could do to help ease the discomfort she was experiencing!

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