Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Bite

Here's Madison trying out cereal for the first time! We did this at breakfast this morning.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Another Milestone Already?

Madison is about to hit a new milestone. She has been biting me when I nurse her! Thank God she doesn't have teeth because she is already hurting me with just bare gums! She started this thing where she likes to drink a couple gulps and then lean waaaaaaay back, arching her back so far back that she has the top of her head on the couch, as if she's standing on her head, and then bends her hands all the way back too. She keeps leaning back for a few seconds and then she's ready for me to pull her back into nursing position.

Since Madison got an ear infection and was prescribed antibiotics on Monday evening, she's really shown she's ready to eat. The first night she was disgusted and kept spitting out her medicine. By Wednesday, she was sucking it down and actually cried on two occasions when the medicine was "all gone!" She wanted more!

Last night as we sat as a family to eat, she wanted to eat too! She actually threw a fit because she wanted a bite of my food and reached for my plate. I mashed up a tiny bit of greenbeans and put it on her tongue and she chewed (gummed) it right up and swallowed it making a "mummm, mum, yum" sound while eating. It was so funny. Then she cried for more.

So, Daddy went to the store tonight and bought some rice cereal. We'll let her have her first bowl tomorrow. I can't believe she's already ready for baby food. It should be fun!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

5 Months

My baby is FIVE MONTHS OLD today. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. Daddy and I watched her while she slept last night. She's so beautiful.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Few Pics

Madison loves to shake things now, loves the sound paper makes.She wants to crawl so bad and I can definitely tell when she's reaching for someone now. When she is upset, she says, "Ma!" or even "mom." So cute. But she doesn't quite get what that means.
She's spoiled rotten. Even gets to go on dates with Mommy & Daddy.

I can't believe she's almost 5 months old. She's growing too fast.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Almost Five Months Old!

After reading my last post, it makes more sense now. Madison broke out in a rash about a week after her shots. I think it was Roseola because for a few days she seemed to have a fever. By the time I made an appointment with the Dr. the rash started to fade (of course, the day OF the appointment it was almost completely gone so I cancelled).
Yesterday Madison got to experience her first snow. I didn't take her out in it, but I brought a handful of snow in and let her touch it. She wasn't quite sure what to think about that!
She is growing up so fast. She rolls over like a pro and wants to crawl so bad. She ends up in a kicking fury! She now likes to shake things, her key set, her rattle, her pacifier. In fact, I think she started shaking things today.
Today she also started the fake coughing. It was so funny. Her big sister was responding to it, so she just kept going in order to get her attention. She thought it was hilarious. Gosh, is she really old enough to be doing this?
My little baby is growing up so fast. It makes me sad. Seems just like yesterday she was this tiny little sleeping newborn and now she laughs, plays, interacts, fusses, and has completely outgrown her 0-3 month clothes! I'm trying so hard to enjoy every moment, but that only makes time fly by faster. I wish there was a way to slow down time. I love her so much. I'm going to miss having a baby soon enough!